Each year VCDA recognizes an individual who has worked in the community development field for over 10 years as either a professional or community volunteer and who has demonstrated leadership, dedication and commitment to a Vermont community or communities, with the BerniceMurray Award. The award is given in memory of Bernice Murray, well-known for her dedication to, and support of, community development both in her role as the Vermont State Director.
Award Recipients
1991 - Jane Kiser, CD Director, St. Albans (longtime Board member)
1992 - Jill Eyre, Windsor
1993 - Bruce Seifer, Burlington CD Director and founder of VCDA
1994 – Laura Ovitt, Town of Richmond
1995 – Robbie Harold, State Director, USDA Rural Development
1996 - Roman Kokodyniak, VT Community Development Program Director
1997 - Tom Donahue, Rutland C/C and former VCDA President
1998 - Bill Shouldice , past secretary, Agency of Commerce & Community Development
1999 - Jeff Staudinger, 20 year involvement in CD efforts, currently with Randolph CDC
2000 - Charlie Carter, retiring after 34 years as Executive Director, Northeastern VT Development Association (NVDA)
2001-Governor Dean
2002-Molly Lambert, Secretary, Agency of Commerce & Community Development
2003-Emily Wadhams, State Historic Preservation Officer
2004-Don Bourdon, Ex. Dir., Two Rivers-Ottaquechee Planning Comm (after 30 years)
2007-Paul Costello, Executive Director, VT Council on Rural Development
2008-Jolinda LaClair, Secretary, USDA Rural Development
2009-Joel Schwartz, St. Johnsbury CD Director, past president of VCDA
2010-Patricia Moulton-Powden, 22 years in economic development at local, regional and state levels. Commissioner, VT Labor Dept and Economic Development Dept.
2011 - Joss Besse, Director of Community Planning & Revitalization, ACCD. Started the VT Downtown Program in 1994
2012 - Robert McBride, Director, Rockingham Arts & Museum Project (RAMP)